Saturday, June 02, 2007

Dive 110

Date: June 2, 2007
Time: 8:00am
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 31
Dive Time (minutes): 40
Surf (feet): 2-5
Surge (feet): 2-12+
Water Temp (fahrenheit): warm
Visibility (feet): 5+ the deeper we went
Visibility Description: surge murky, mud.
Notes: Wow, visibility was around 2-5’. Dove with Scott today. I really am starting to think Scott is good luck… Today, we entered into the water with 4+’ surf. Very deceiving, since it looked like “Lake Laguna” when we got down to the sand. We dropped down pretty early and realized pretty quickly that we were diving in Brown Pudding…. First thought was, Scoooooott. Then, I realized that there was no way a human could have produced that much repellant in that short of time… So with my confidence renewed in Scott, we hit the sand… Literally. As we reminisced about our dive on our swim in, Scott reminded me that I almost ate a baby Halibut. The sighting of this fine creature was just the beginning of an adventure that made me want to kick myself for not bring my camera. As it has been the past few days, the bass and garibaldi have been out and about, friendly and look as if they just ate a Thanksgiving dinner. We came across two eels, one of which was just lying in a crevice, full body exposed. The other, coming out to say hi. We also came across two octopi and a Sand bass that looked to have been skewered in his back, but lived to “show” the tale. The best part of the dive, and the most agonizing, was the Spanish Shawl that we saw. It was around 1 inch in size, perched on a rock top between to rocks, blocking most of the surge, and no background. Man what a dream for a Macro Photographer, especially with a translucent subject. We also got to see some of Scott’s elusive crabs (the ones that live in the ocean), as well as: Lobster, shrimp, Rock-pool Blennies, sting rays, a Hopkins rose, and, did I mention, I perfect Spanish Shawl Specimen. Great Dive, regardless of visibility.

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