Monday, March 05, 2007

Dive 96

Date: March 3, 2007
Time: 7:00am
Location: North Crescent
Depth (feet): 33Dive
Time (minutes): 65
Surf (feet): 1
Surge (feet): 1-3
Water Temp (Fahrenheit): 56 (COLDER than I would like)
Visibility (feet): 10-20
Visibility Description: deeper was murkier
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Pete. We were supposed to meet up with Len, and friends, but he was having a few technical difficulties and I, on my way to becoming a new father, had a Baby Care Basics class to attend. So we decided to make our way into the depths our ocean and meet up with Len another time. Surf was minimal and surge was almost none. The only spot we had troubles was near the Spanish Shawls, as Peter also mentioned. Really fun dive! Thanks Pete for getting me back into the water again. And, be sure to visit Pete's Blog to view video.