Sunday, November 19, 2006

This picture was taken a few months ago at Diver's Cove in Laguna Beach. Blake, Gary and I had a great dive with a friendly Octopus. (Laguna Beach, CA)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Some Days are just better than others at Cresent! (Laguna Beach, CA)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Today, Scott and I went down to Diver's Cove and played around in shallows. Max depth 26'. Here are some pictures from todays dive. Just in case you were wondering, it was COLD! (Laguna Beach, CA)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Here are a few more shots from our night out to Treasure Island on October 11, 2006.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A night out with Peter, Len, Eric and Mike. Conditions were good, so we decided to go Treasure Island. Fun dive over all.
(Laguna Beach, CA)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sometimes it is hard to see what is right in front of you.

(Fisherman’s Cove Laguna Beach, CA)

Another Night Video Worth Mentioning

Another must see video by Peter Corliss.

*Please give all credit for this video to Peter Corliss, unless otherwise stated by Peter Corliss

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Great Video!!! Same dive, different perspectives.

By Peter Corles:

By Eric Wade:
Visit and click on the link "Diving Shaw's Cove Night 5/29 - 5/31/06

*Please give all the credit for these videos to Peter and Eric.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Having a good time with Len, Riz, Peter, Mike and Eric at Casino Point, Catalina.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A ray in the sand at Shaw's Cove in Laguna Beach. Visibility 10'+. Surf was low and Surge, well I am surprised I got this pictures... (Shaw's Cove, Laguna Beach) Posted by Picasa

Just having a good time with a few friends. Night Dive, Surf was 3-4', Surge was 2-3' and visibility 5' - 10'+, progressing the deeper we went. (Deadman's Reef, Laguna Beach) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Spanish Shawl

A Spanish Shawl (Flabellina iodinea) at Shaw's Cove in Laguna Beach, CA.
This picture was taken earlier this morning. Visibility was limited, as it often is during this time of year when it rains; however, there are many things to admire. You just have to look for it. Thanks Len!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I think vanity has gotten the better of this sheep crab. (Fisherman’s Cove, Laguna Beach)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Sometimes life requires you to travel alone. A Kellet's Whelk traveling in solitude, approximately 20’ feet deep off the coast of California. (Diver’s Cove, Laguna Beach)

Eric, an aspiring videographer and good friend, is perched in the background peering into a crevice off the Coast of California. (Divers Cove, Laguna Beach)

The Eye of a Horn Shark off the coat of California. (Fisherman's Cove in Laguna Beach)


It is important to recognize the world around us, and yet it easy to ignore what we do not know. Often times we admire things without understanding why it is that we admire them. Even collectively as a human race, I would assume we only understand a small fraction of the world’s entirety. I created this posting for everyone to read, enjoy, and hopefully become inspired to do something new and different; and, to look deeper into the world around them. I chose the term Mal De Mer because it means Motion or Sea Sickness. I have come to realize that we become sick with new adventure and, like Sea Sickness, we do not begin to enjoy our voyage until our bodies have become accustom to the adventure. Enjoy!